Tuesday, March 16, 2010

.Visit to Abilene.

So this weekend I went down to Abilene, Texas to visit my family and see my cousin Daniel get hitched. I got to see lots of family come in from New York. It was totally fun. Short.. but fun.

Driving down to Abilene was uneventful until about ten miles outside of town. Thomas wasn't paying attention to his speed and got clocked by a Highway Patrolman. He was super nice though and gave Thomas a warning. He came back to give Thomas his license he said that his license had been suspended for the past 4 days now due to some surcharges from an old ticket we paid off over a year ago. WUT. But the cop was nice AGAIN and let him off with ANOTHER warning and just told us to switch places after checking my license. Can we say favor? Yep.

So now we have to pay off whatever that stupid surcharge is. Idiocy.

While down there I drew a bunch with my sister. I found out they have huge packs of sharpie markers in a rainbow of colors and you can even BLEND colors... holy crap. I fell in love with them and will be buying myself a pack soon. Colors are still limited if you want to get crazy but for normal colors it's pretty rad.

Saturday morning before the wedding I had to go shopping with my sister. I'm the only one who was willing to take her (well, that and I was kinda stuck with the job whether I wanted to or not). My sister does NOT dress nice and pretty much goes bonkers if she has to. After two hours of trying to find something my sister would actually try on at least.. we got her a shirt and a pair of slacks she could at least stand to have on for a few hours. I thought I was going to pull my hair out. No wonder my mom stuck ME with the job. I was ready to kill someone.

Went to Daniel's wedding. It was super pretty. I think they had some Lutheran pastor guy doing it. He had the robes and the scarf thing that said Joy on it. Very formal stuff. It's so weird seeing that since I'm used to all the crazy pastors at my church. Thomas got to see how a lot of my New York family interact when all in a room with each other, haha. It's always fun and interesting. We didn't stay long though because it was VERY crowded and everyone was just kinda doing their own thing. That's how my family is, haha.

The next day nothing much happened but that evening my two best girl friends Ashley and Jenna came over with Ashley's husband Nathan and our friend Shane. All friends since way back in the day. My step dad David had made a big pot roast with all the fixins and I had made two cobblers for dessert. Peach and Blueberry. After everything died down Thomas, my friends and I watched a stand up comedy dvd and then played the longest game of charades I had ever played in my life. We didn't keep points or anything.. we all just took turns coming up with a word for the person next to us and then going up there and having people guess what/who we were. The later in the night it got, the more goofy/slap happy we got. We were giggling at everything. Especially when Ashley had to act out Horny Toad (word given to her courtesy of me). You can guess how that went. We were almost rolling on the floor we were laughing so hard. The game went on until almost 2 in the morning. Finally we all said our goodbyes and turned in. It was SO fun.

Then Monday it was time to leave and my mom had to go to work so we just spent the morning packing and getting ready. Ma got to take a long lunch though to spend some more time with us before we went. We left an hour later than we wanted but I never mind that. Instead of the trip taking us 4 hours it took us 5 and a half hours to get home. Why? Because it rained heavily the entire way, with about 45 minutes of it being a BLIZZARD. Yes, a blizzard. We couldn't get the speed dial over 50 or our wheels would spin. Even then the car would randomly fish tail so we pretty much crawled along until the snow just randomly stopped. There were snow plows and everything. WUT. Gotta love Texas weather. You get everything in one day.

So now things are slowly going back to normal. It's deathly quiet here because my bird and my guinea pig are still over at my mother in law's house. We couldn't fit them AND Vincent in the car with our luggage so we'll be picking them up today. THEN everything will be back to normal completely.

It was definitely a fun weekend. <3 I love my crazy family.

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