Sunday, December 13, 2009


Thomas is working another long night for the Glo concert our church is having. It's coming up in less than a week and I'm freaking excited! Kiss same ol' boring church services goodbye. (Not that ANY of our services are like that. Our church keeps people on their toes.)

Preview tiem kthnx.

Glo - December 18th-20th from Victory Church Amarillo, TX on Vimeo.

So when I got my hair cut a few weeks back I kinda didn't get it cut as short as I wanted it, and due to my fast growing hair I can't spike it up and make it crazy messy in the back anymore. I managed to get my stylist Blair to squeeze me into her busy schedule for a trim so I can get my hair to do what I want before Christmas. She didn't get to cut my hair last time. The dude that did it last time did an uber great job but he's just not as insane and funky with hair like Blair can be. I like my hair messy and kinda out there. XD

Then.. dun Dun DUN the day before Christmas Eve Thomas and I are packing Vincent and stuff up to spend Christmas with my family down in Abilene, Texas! Even better, we're driving just a couple more hours south to spend a couple days with my grandparents, aunt, uncles, and cousins. It'll be the first time they meet Vincent so fun times will be had all around. When I get back from that get ready for a slew of pictures, I tell you what.

Oh yeah! Our beautiful Chrimmas tree with lots of goodies stuffed underneath. I love it. GOSH this is my favorite time of year. Because we don't have a fireplace our stockings are hung up on the wall as you can see in the edge of the photo, haha.

I got the rest of my Christmas shopping done today. Well, except for one gift. I found out the place I need to get the gift at ain't open on the weekends. EFFFF This is the second to last Saturday before Christmas so the traffic was insane. Argh. I hate Christmas traffic. Christmas is supposed to be the giving time of year but you find the nastiest, meanest people out and about when you're Christmas shopping. That's one of the main reasons I dared not venture out during Black Friday.

Oh yeah.. I'm still under an unrelenting art slump. W. T. FRAP leave me ALONE! WHY is it so bad? Seriously.. this is sucking. Commissions aren't done.. and now I have a Secret Santa submission I need to finish before the 25th. Oy. Slump, get sprayed by a skunk, kthx.

I'm so sleepy. Waiting for Thomas to come home so I can finally go to sleep. I can sleep without him, but then he wakes me up coming home and getting ready for bed and then it's hard for me to get back to sleep so I might as well sit here and wait up for him. I love Glo, but at the same time the two weeks before it starts he works literally 15+ hours a day, every day. I'm lucky if I see him for lunch. Too bad he doesn't get paid overtime. Yay salary jobs, hyuck. Oh well, it's for a way good cause and his work paid off in the end with a totally awesome show he had a large hand in shaping together and producing. That video up there? He did it.

And YAY he just walked in. Bedtime for us.

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