Tuesday, December 1, 2009

.Meme Time.

'Figgered I'd post a meme.

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when...???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

1. First Name
Jennifer, but most call me Jenny.

2. Age
24 since April 13th of this year. I feel old. I know I shouldn't, but I do. *falls and breaks her hip*

3. Location
Amarillo, Texas. It's flat and hardly has any trees and doesn't rain near enough, but I love it just the same.

4. Occupation
Domestic Engineer and I do art commissions on the side.

5. Partner
Thomas. My husband, best friend and love of my life.

6. Kids
Vincent Gabriel. He'll be turning two at the end of January coming up. He was our surprise baby. We weren't expecting to have kids until at least four years into our marriage, and I got pregnant with him six days after getting hitched. Becoming a mother helped me realize how much of a selfish person I was and helped(and still is helping) correct that VERY quickly, lol.

7. Brothers/Sisters
I have three step siblings and one blood sibling. Oldest sister, oldest brother and younger brother are the steps and my younger sister is the blood related. I'm smack in the middle.

8. Pets
Two cats and two birds. Cats are Ramona - Brown Tabby and Abby - Diluted Torti Tabby and J.D. and Turk are my Zebra Finches. I love them all to death and plan on adding lots more animals into the family once we get a house!

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life
In all honestly I don't have anything really big going on at the moment. I'm living day to day as of late being a mom and getting commissions done (except I'm in an art slump right now so drawing is at a stand still, hurgh). It may sound boring to some but I like it. I was looking for a job but most positions are taken up right now for the holiday season so I'll pick that back up after January when the kiddies taking up the jobs get back into school.

10. Parents
My mom is Susan and my step dad is David. They both got hit hard by the economy, so Ma lost her home business she had for years and years and David got laid off. She was temping for a while and then got hired on to a place she really likes a lot recently, which is really good. David is the 'stay at home guy' for the moment until a good paying job comes along like the one he had. They're still getting used to the occupation switch but they're doing great. I love them to death.

11. Who are some of your closest friends?
Thomas is my best friend, first and foremost. I don't know what I'd do without him. Besides him, I have three best friends. Two of them are Ashley and Jenna. They are my best girlfriends and have been since fifth and sixth grade. We all live in different cities now but that doesn't stop us from getting to each other for hang out time. Just not as often as we like. And mine and Thomas' best guy friend is Kris. He's awesome in a hand basket and has helped us out plenty of times without hesitation. I have a few really close friends too. Other than that I'm not very good at hanging out with people though. I always think I'm boring and/or awkward. I need to work on this so I can have more best/close friends.

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