Monday, November 23, 2009

.Random Thoughts III.

Stupid, stupid weather. It's cold, but it's been clear skies the past ten days. I hate cold weather with clear skies. Clear skies belong in summer.

Thomas had to work today on his day off, but it's all gravy because he only works today, tomorrow, and half of Wednesday. Then he's off the rest of the week for Thanksgiving and such. =D

Plus, once he gets off work at twelve on Wednesday he, Kris and I are going to go see New Moon finally! I didn't want to go opening weekend or near it due to the fact I know we'd have to deal with screaming tweens going ape crazy once Edward or Jacob entered the screen. I like to sit through a movie in silence and enjoy it, kthx.

I had one of the MOST fun times last night. Kris brought his Wii (which used to be my Wii) over last night and he had ALL the original Mario Bros. games on there. OH NOSTALGIA. God I re-realized how much I've missed those games. I'm an old school gamer through and through. My face hurt so bad from grinning because we were on the secret first level on Mario 3 where you and a second player try to grab more coins than the other and/or kill off a certain number of enemies. Which, we don't play by those rules. We just use it for a massive game of video game tag. Needless to say, we were laughing hysterically and being slap happy. Fun times, fun times.

I've been in an awful art slump. I've just been getting scribbles out and that's it. I still have two commissions that are waiting to be finished. It's one of those slumps where I have tons of good ideas, but once I sit down to draw it pretty much sucks as soon as I make a mark on the page and I stop. HATE it.

I totally had a dream about the Beatles last night. I think we were.. going underwater in some submarine something or other. No, it wasn't a yellow submarine.. It was this weird looking hunk of metal and the windows were hard to see through.. and the Beatles were arguing and fighting. I dunno.. but dadgum, it was weird.

Sorry, this is another one of those posts where I just spew out random crap to talk about that runs through my head.

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