I guess this gives me a chance to brush up on my traditional media. I've gotten so rusty to the point that it scares me to death to try and work with it. I'm so spoiled from ctrl z and layers and all that crazy stuff. I can't let myself get away as long as I have from my colored pencils. Five years ago I didn't even have a computer so traditional media is all I had. If I had kept going with it (and not totally rely on digital media) I would probably be awesome at it or something. But no. If anything I've regressed. My poor, unused inking pens I got last Christmas still sit on my desk. It's almost been a year now. That is sad. They need some love.
So, to totally change the subject, Wright Brand bacon has changed their recipe or something. See, we don't each much pork anymore. In fact, we don't eat pork at all. There's a lot of unhealthy stuff in it and we figured that if we had pork at all, it would be bacon every once in a blue moon. That's the worst part of the pig you can eat, but I love it so it's an extra rare treat. (haha, that rhymed) Anyway, there's a brand of bacon that soars above the rest in taste. OMG It's the best tasting stuff evar. So yesterday evening, Thomas goes out and buys bacon. I make breakfast burritos. The bacon tasted like some sucky off brand. WTF. Wright is an expensive brand, so the rare times I get to have it the taste is amazing. Not this time. The label was changed too. ARGH. This is sad that I'm ranting about bacon, but what the crap, Wright? Why did you change the flavor? I might as well save my money and get the off brand. It tastes the same! I'm hoping I just got a weird package or something. I mean, it still tasted good, but it wasn't the Wright flavor.. (no pun intended) Maybe in about six or seven months when I get bacon again, I'll give it one more try. If it denies me the original Wright flavor I'm just going to switch to a store brand or something.
Wow, if ANYONE makes it through that paragraph about my bacon rant you seriously deserve a cookie.
Oh! So I finally have an iPod! It was given to me. It's a little silver Nano. I can finally give my CD player a rest. I listen to stuff on iTunes too but I can't be around my computer all the time. I'm with the times, finally! I hate earbuds though. At least they aren't the crappy Apple ones that iPods come with. A part of my prize package from being a semi finalist in the Pepsi Rockband contest was ear buds. They are pretty nice. The Hz is 6 to 23,000 whereas Apple's is like, what, 15 to 20,000? Sucky. So I have some great sound quality. Yay!

And, best thing evar to end this journal on.
They actually translated the Bible verse for verse into Lolspeak. FTW!!!!
John 3:16 - So liek teh Ceiling Kitteh lieks teh ppl lots and he sez 'Oh hai I givez u me only kitteh and ifs u beleeves him u wont evr diez no moar, kthxbai!'
Someone has WAY too much time on their hands. Haha! X3
And if anyone thinks that's blasphemous then they have more serious problems to address, seriously.
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