One more month to go and then FALL comes! Oh, I cannot wait.
Every year, once summer starts, I start the countdown until it ends and fall begins.
I was telling my friend Kris a while back that it's funny how fall/winter is my favorite time of year but my best memories are during all the summers passed. He said that he's the same way, and came up with the conclusion that because the summer season sucks, the good memories we have during that season stand out more. Whereas fall/winter is always awesome all around so good memories don't stick out as much.
Made sense to me. So I ran with it.
Random Thought - They say smell is one of the most powerful senses to bring back old memories. They aren't kidding. I'll get a whiff of something small and subtle and my mind will explode with all these memories that tie in with that smell that happened by my radar that is my nose. That one whiff will throw me into an oblivion of childhood memories in a forced but lovingly embraced trip down memory lane. I love those sudden flash backs. Haha, the smell/memory thing reminds me of the last season finale of House M.D.
Vincent turned six months old July 30th. I can't believe it's already been half a year. Good Lord.

Oh, and on a last note, I can't hear worth anything. My ears are so clogged due to my cold I had a couple days ago. It's aggravating.
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