Thursday, July 31, 2008

.Feeling Better.

Just getting over being sick. Bleh. Stuffy/runny nose, chills, head feels like it weighs a ton, and lethargic. Fun fun. At least I feel better today. Vincent's getting over being sick as well. I actually caught it from him. =P Poor little guy. Him and I have been sharing the humidifier.

I had to skip working in the church cafe and going to Venue service last night because I didn't want to get anyone sick. That sucked. Venue and the cafe are the few chances I get to get out of the house and hang out with people. Oh well, at least there's next week.

I really want to get my hair cut. It's getting super long, and if anyone is a parent they know how crazy your little one can get with the pulling of the hair. I want to get a cute, short cut, but in a style I've never gotten before. I'm kinda looking around to get some ideas and see what looks good with my face frame and hair texture. I know, I promised I would grow my hair out a bit for you Kris, but if I didn't have Vincent I would carry on but let's see how your scalp feels every time a baby pulls your hair. u_u Even then the cut won't happen for a while due to money getting stretched thin over bills.

Thomas is working on getting a second job. It'll suck for a while but we really need to catch up. Late payments aren't good -or- fun.

I finally got my camera back from Thresh and Sheila's. I missed it so much! I pretty much have no pictures to put in the 'Five Months Old' folder for Vincent, since my camera was over there for a few weeks. Blarg. Oh well, at least I have plenty on my phone.

Man, I -really- want to eat at either Applebee's or Chili's. They keep showing commercials on TV and it makes my mouth water. DERN YOU STUPID GOOD FOOD COMMERCIALS. *faceplant*

Arg.. I'll end it here before it gets any more stupid.

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