Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The day before yesterday was a mix of all kinds of bittersweetness.

We had found out from Kris that Brandon's granddad had died this past Friday. How awful. I got Brandon's email on Myspace saying we could go see Jack (his granddad) one last time before he passed, but I checked my mail too late. We gave Brandon a call, and went to his mom's house to visit him and the rest of the family to give our condolences after getting a sympathy card. It was nice to sit and talk with Brandon and his girlfriend Tara for a while. We caught up on old times and it was really heartwarming to me to see Brandon and Thomas talking and laughing together, even giving hugs and pats on the back. It was bittersweet due to the circumstances of the sudden reunion.

The next morning was the funeral, and Thomas and I were invited, so Thomas got out of work for a while so we could grieve with Brandon's family over the loss of Jack. The funeral was so sad, but beautiful at the same time. Thomas knew Jack very well. I, myself, didn't know Jack very well but I do know that he was a very great, humble man that was a wonderful father figure in Brandon's life. After the sermon was over, I hugged Brandon's mom tightly, and when I got to Frances (Brandon's grandmother and Jack's wife) I just held her and told her how sorry I was. She looked like she aged several years since the last time we've seen her. The death of a loved one, especially your husband, can do that to you. Poor Frances. I feel for her so strongly. Thomas had hugged her before me, and also held her for a long time before giving her a kiss on her forehead. She looked so worn and heart broken, but she's a strong woman though.

I talked with Tara and Brandon after the funeral and told them that they were invited to come over for dinner when they can get around to it, and they happily agreed. I've missed Brandon, and I even missed Tara, whom I don't know very well. I'm glad Thomas and Brandon seem to be mending their relationship. Their friendship went up on the rocks there for a while. Hopefully this is the beginning of a good rekindling of a friendship almost torn beyond repair.

After the funeral, I dropped Thomas back off at work and headed over to Deborah's (my mother in law) to hang out until I had to pick Thomas up at 2:30 to head out to take Vincent to the doctor. She had Vincent while Thomas and I were at the funeral. We got to the doctor. We waited FOREVER. I know it's pretty much a given, and the doctors have to give each patient their undivided attention but dadgum, we were there near about two hours, only ten minutes of that two hours was actually a doctor seeing Vincent. Vincent had a low grade fever and didn't have a full blown ear infection but the insides of his ears were pretty irritated, so now he's on a mild antibiotic and infant's Tylenol. Vincent did NOT like having anything pushed into his ear. That and he was getting grumpy from being stuck inside a cubicle sized room for two hours. The doctor said that during Vincent's next visit we'll be getting him all kinds of vaccinations. No thanks. We didn't feel like correcting the doctor then about how we're anti-vaccinations because we were already tired of being there for as long as we were. We just didn't say anything. The next visit is going to be all kinds of fun fighting off doctors waiting to inject vaccinations into Vincent.

For some reason Vincent refused to take a nap yesterday. He was grumpy beyond anything but refused to sleep. Maybe it was because he wasn't feeling well. I don't know, but even after keeping himself up all day (when he's used to one 2 and a half hour nap and two thirty minute naps a day) he wouldn't go to sleep when we brought him home from Deborah's!(We went back over there for dinner after meandering around the house for a bit after coming home from the doc's office.) Thomas and I were going to pull our hair out. At least he hunkered off to dream land around 11 pm I think.

At least he's back to his nap schedule today.

I really feel for Brandon right now. I know exactly what it's like to lose your dad (or father figure in his case) and it sucks. There are no words to describe how you feel. No words to describe how you're dealing with it. You just.. do.

"Time heals." They say to those who bear the weight of grief on their shoulders. This feeling I know all too well, but Time doesn't heal. It's Love that heals. Time simply doesn't care. (a friend said something along those lines in her blog and it's true)

We're going to love on Brandon, and let him know that even though Thomas' and his friendship was on the rocks, we still care about him and love him and want him to know that we're there for him and Tara too. I look forward to having dinner with them soon.

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