Thomas is now working a second job.
Sunday and Monday are his days off for his main job, but now that the second job has taken a place in his schedule he only has Sunday now. The days he doesn't have to be at the church for evening services he'll be going straight to his second job after his main job is done for the day around five in the afternoon. So, yeah, Sunday will pretty much be the only day I see him for a decent amount of time. Joy.
I have no room to complain though. We need the money badly. The more hours he works now the less time he'll have to spend enduring a second job to catch up on finances. I think he might have to work every Friday evening during our Couples' Connection get-together as well, since that isn't mandatory for his main job. Which sucks. Oh well, I keep telling myself it's only temporary. Which it is. Some people have to work so much that they don't get a day off, so we are thankful that we at least get one day together.
I'm in a mini art slump, again. I keep having problems working on the new artwork for my new journal header I want to use on my DA site. I have most of it drawn out and colored, but .. blarg. When I get the chance I'm going to have to bug Shara (
merystic) to help me out with the CSS journal coding to get it to look the way I want it to. I'm so illiterate when it comes to ANY type of coding for computers/sites. *facepalm*
We keep having promises of rain, and yet we might see a few flashes of lightening and that's it. No rain. I can't wait for the beginning of fall when the storms seem to be plentiful. I need a good storm to watch and listen to. If I could be anywhere right now it would be one of two places. Either in the middle of a thick, old forest with the air cool, damp, and misty, maybe with some drizzle and the low rumble of thunder, or in the middle of a gigantic field with no city, houses, or humans in sight with the same weather conditions as I described in the first place I want to be in. Maybe a little more stormy in the second place. I long to be in one of those places at this moment. They seem to be the perfect places to escape to. I'm tired of this dry heat. At least the evenings aren't bad since the summer is nearing its end.
Don't get me wrong, I love Texas, and very proud to be Texas born and raised, but even up here in the panhandle of the state where we get pretty good amounts of snow in the winter (when it's not mild like it was last winter. I was so disappointed), it gets too hot in the summer. I'm so backwards it's ridiculous. I'm very cold natured. I'm always bundled up someway or another, but I love the fall and winter time. I hate summer. Swimming is about the only thing that's fun during the summer, but even on that note I haven't swam in two years, maybe longer.
Speaking of swimming, our Venue class from church is taking a trip come Sunday out to Lake Meredith after the main service is over. I've never been to Lake Meredith and it's a free trip. There will be free food, and even swimming and getting pulled in a water tube by boat. I look forward to that, but that means one thing. I need a swimsuit. It's near the end of the season, and I haven't bought a swimsuit in years. I think I still have a pretty good body after having a baby, so I think I can still pull off the swimsuit look, but there's a few drawbacks due to some stretch marks in the belly region. I dunno.. We probably won't even have the money to buy a swimsuit anyway so I don't know why I'm worrying myself over it. I'll probably just wear my board shorts and a tank top or spaghetti strap and just wade around in knee deep water. *shrug*
Last night's Connect Service was freaking awesome. The Holy Spirit was strong in that sanctuary, and getting to jam out with it was most rad. I left feeling rejuvenated and more on fire for God than ever. We even got some brand new tongues talkers. There really is nothing quite like talking in the spirit. God is good, very good.
Sunday and Monday are his days off for his main job, but now that the second job has taken a place in his schedule he only has Sunday now. The days he doesn't have to be at the church for evening services he'll be going straight to his second job after his main job is done for the day around five in the afternoon. So, yeah, Sunday will pretty much be the only day I see him for a decent amount of time. Joy.
I have no room to complain though. We need the money badly. The more hours he works now the less time he'll have to spend enduring a second job to catch up on finances. I think he might have to work every Friday evening during our Couples' Connection get-together as well, since that isn't mandatory for his main job. Which sucks. Oh well, I keep telling myself it's only temporary. Which it is. Some people have to work so much that they don't get a day off, so we are thankful that we at least get one day together.
I'm in a mini art slump, again. I keep having problems working on the new artwork for my new journal header I want to use on my DA site. I have most of it drawn out and colored, but .. blarg. When I get the chance I'm going to have to bug Shara (
We keep having promises of rain, and yet we might see a few flashes of lightening and that's it. No rain. I can't wait for the beginning of fall when the storms seem to be plentiful. I need a good storm to watch and listen to. If I could be anywhere right now it would be one of two places. Either in the middle of a thick, old forest with the air cool, damp, and misty, maybe with some drizzle and the low rumble of thunder, or in the middle of a gigantic field with no city, houses, or humans in sight with the same weather conditions as I described in the first place I want to be in. Maybe a little more stormy in the second place. I long to be in one of those places at this moment. They seem to be the perfect places to escape to. I'm tired of this dry heat. At least the evenings aren't bad since the summer is nearing its end.
Don't get me wrong, I love Texas, and very proud to be Texas born and raised, but even up here in the panhandle of the state where we get pretty good amounts of snow in the winter (when it's not mild like it was last winter. I was so disappointed), it gets too hot in the summer. I'm so backwards it's ridiculous. I'm very cold natured. I'm always bundled up someway or another, but I love the fall and winter time. I hate summer. Swimming is about the only thing that's fun during the summer, but even on that note I haven't swam in two years, maybe longer.
Speaking of swimming, our Venue class from church is taking a trip come Sunday out to Lake Meredith after the main service is over. I've never been to Lake Meredith and it's a free trip. There will be free food, and even swimming and getting pulled in a water tube by boat. I look forward to that, but that means one thing. I need a swimsuit. It's near the end of the season, and I haven't bought a swimsuit in years. I think I still have a pretty good body after having a baby, so I think I can still pull off the swimsuit look, but there's a few drawbacks due to some stretch marks in the belly region. I dunno.. We probably won't even have the money to buy a swimsuit anyway so I don't know why I'm worrying myself over it. I'll probably just wear my board shorts and a tank top or spaghetti strap and just wade around in knee deep water. *shrug*
Last night's Connect Service was freaking awesome. The Holy Spirit was strong in that sanctuary, and getting to jam out with it was most rad. I left feeling rejuvenated and more on fire for God than ever. We even got some brand new tongues talkers. There really is nothing quite like talking in the spirit. God is good, very good.
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