Now that Vincent's getting older it's getting harder to travel with him. The idea of him sitting in his car seat for four hours drives him mad. I don't blame him. I hate stopping during the trip though because it takes us longer to get there. (I'm not one of those people who think 'getting there is half the fun'. No. I want to get there as quickly as possible and then have fun.) I hate car trips. So now the trip takes longer than four hours because we have to stop. It's not like I can just take Vincent out while we're driving and just hold him. Sometimes I wish that were possible. The thing that makes it even more hard is that we were driving in late evening. So we had two options. Try to keep Vincent awake the whole trip, screaming and all (the car puts him to sleep like crazy so keeping him awake would drive everyone bonkers), and he sleeps when we get to my mom's OR we let him sleep the whole trip, we don't have to stop, but deal with him being awake until the wee hours in the morning because he had a four hour nap right before his bedtime. Nice. In reality, we didn't choose either option because Vincent stayed awake and screamed the first half of the trip (he hates his car seat when he's awake in it), and slept the second half, so when we got there he only kept us up for about an hour and a half before going back to sleep.
I'm finding out that traveling with a four month old isn't very fun, to say the least.
We finally got there though around 11 pm and hit the sack after Vincent nodded off. The whole weekend was pretty fun. Katie's graduation ceremony was tear-jerking. There was a standing ovation along with a deafening roar from the crowd for this one guy in a wheel chair who was getting his diploma, because apparently he was one of the star football players in 9th grade, and got paralyzed from the waist down in an unfortunate car accident, never getting to play football again. That in itself was tear jerking. Afterwards we had a get together at my mom's with cake, sandwiches, cheesecake squares, and lots of other goodies. My cousin Drew had graduated along with my sister, so Thomas and I headed over to my Aunt and Uncle's house while my mom watched Vincent because he was being fussy and stayed awhile. It was pretty fun. I miss all my cousins.
The next day was a lazy lollygag Sunday. My sister was asleep all day because she attended the project graduation party they held all night to keep all the kids from underage drinking and driving drunk or getting alcohol poisoning. She ended up winning an iPod Shuffle. Thomas and I headed back over to Aunt Mariette's, this time with Vincent, so everyone could say hi to the little guy. Then Thomas jumped in the pool with my cousin Drew while I sat on the edge with my legs in the water holding Vincent. Drew and I talked about all the old games we all used to play together as kids growing up. So nostalgic. I miss those days. If I could ever go back in time, I would go back to the time during the summers in the mid 1990's when my dad was still alive and we would spend our days at our Aunt's house. My mom and my aunt tolerated each other then.
My mom is an awesome gardener. Half the stuff that garnishes her meals and stuff in her salads are all pulled from her garden. When we get a house I would love to have as bountiful of a garden as she does. Here's a bunch of garlic she had just pulled.
Then Monday we spent the day with everyone at the house before packing up and leaving to go home. I didn't want to leave, but our cats were in the bedroom for three days and bills are due and all that jazz that life throws at you. It was nice to forget about it all for a couple of days though.
Bah, I hardly have any good pictures of Vincent and I. I get a potential good one and the flash drowns me out.
I need a new phone company. I've been with Cingular/AT&T for seven years, and I need a change. I used to have my own cell, and then to save money while I was still in college I went under my mom's family plan, and then when I tried to break back off a few years later they said I'd need a $750 deposit. What the crap? I tried again yesterday (two and a half years later from trying before) to see what they would say and now I'd have to have a $300 deposit for each phone line. That's $600 for Thomas and I. Ridiculous. You'd think after being with them for so long and having my own cell phone plan and not having to have a deposit before I'd be able to get one now. Altell has been looking quite appetizing as of late. Come Saturday Thomas and I are going to check them out and see what they have to offer. I'm getting overcharged at AT&T anyway. We're not under contract anymore so I don't have to worry about any contract breakage fees.
Anyway, this post has been long enough.
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