She explained the perfect reasons to do one, so I was happy to join the bandwagon. =3
A Day In the Life of Jenny Macias.
Monday, March 31st, 2008

Hair dried.
Made up and dressed.
Monday, March 31st, 2008
I rose out of bed around 10:15 am. I hate sleeping in that late, but because of Thomas' night shifts the three of us are horribly thrown off schedule-wise. Vincent stayed asleep a while longer along with Thomas.

While Thomas and Vincent slept, I got to sneak in a nice long hot shower. After said shower I start getting ready.

While Thomas and Vincent slept, I got to sneak in a nice long hot shower. After said shower I start getting ready.
Freshly showered.

Hair dried.

Made up and dressed.

Because everyone was dozy in the morning and the kitchen's a mess.. I fixed myself a hearty breakfast of .. er.. left overs from last night's stir fry I made.

I mess around on the computer for a bit, although I should have been cleaning. Our house is so messy. I really can't stand it, but I get overwhelmed too easily so Thomas is going to help me clean tomorrow. I feel like I can think, accomplish things, and breathe so much better when the house is clean. Mess is the spirit of chaos, after all. Around 2:30 pm Vincent has already been up for a while and eaten. I lay him down in his play pen and run into the bedroom to drag Thomas out of bed. After thirty minutes of gaining consciousness Thomas gets up and gets ready while I get Vincent dressed, ready, and into his car seat. There's errands to run!

Earlier in the day we called the apartment complex that we've desperately been wanting to move into and we got the news that nothing is going to be available until the first or middle of May. *sigh* I guess we can stick with this place a little longer.. They keep turning the water off in our building constantly for repairs because some water pipe keeps breaking. Very annoying.. I'm just tired of this place. I need a change in scenery, a place where the water works all the time, and two bedrooms. I'm still praying hard that we get the place in May, at least. Because of the wait though, we heard of another nice place that was in our price range so we check it out over there.
In mine or Thomas' life, we have never met the stereotypical 'Valley Girl' until today. The woman showing us the apartment available said everything in question form and just kinda seemed not all there. She was blonde and acted like it. She was very nice, but I'm sad to say that my IQ dropped a few points while we were there. The apartments were nice, but the square footage was quite a bit smaller than the other we wanted. Plus, they were going to nickel and dime us to death with all these crazy fees. We went on our way and decided those apartments weren't for us.
We made a money order for our rent, and went by our apartment office to drop it off. Come to find out they're charging us $50 for going month to month after our lease expired today. Lovely. Again. I can't wait to get out of this place.

I mess around on the computer for a bit, although I should have been cleaning. Our house is so messy. I really can't stand it, but I get overwhelmed too easily so Thomas is going to help me clean tomorrow. I feel like I can think, accomplish things, and breathe so much better when the house is clean. Mess is the spirit of chaos, after all. Around 2:30 pm Vincent has already been up for a while and eaten. I lay him down in his play pen and run into the bedroom to drag Thomas out of bed. After thirty minutes of gaining consciousness Thomas gets up and gets ready while I get Vincent dressed, ready, and into his car seat. There's errands to run!

First stop is to get the two front tires of my car replaced. They were getting pretty bad. Before Thomas got the job he has now we didn't have the money to spare to get the tires rotated and whatnot.. so they really went to crap. Poor car. Poor tires..

Earlier in the day we called the apartment complex that we've desperately been wanting to move into and we got the news that nothing is going to be available until the first or middle of May. *sigh* I guess we can stick with this place a little longer.. They keep turning the water off in our building constantly for repairs because some water pipe keeps breaking. Very annoying.. I'm just tired of this place. I need a change in scenery, a place where the water works all the time, and two bedrooms. I'm still praying hard that we get the place in May, at least. Because of the wait though, we heard of another nice place that was in our price range so we check it out over there.

In mine or Thomas' life, we have never met the stereotypical 'Valley Girl' until today. The woman showing us the apartment available said everything in question form and just kinda seemed not all there. She was blonde and acted like it. She was very nice, but I'm sad to say that my IQ dropped a few points while we were there. The apartments were nice, but the square footage was quite a bit smaller than the other we wanted. Plus, they were going to nickel and dime us to death with all these crazy fees. We went on our way and decided those apartments weren't for us.
We made a money order for our rent, and went by our apartment office to drop it off. Come to find out they're charging us $50 for going month to month after our lease expired today. Lovely. Again. I can't wait to get out of this place.
I stole from their candy dish before leaving the office.
Thomas' mom had invited us over for dinner, so we headed off, stopping at United on the way to pick up some cornbread. I ended up making a salad for myself at the salad bar in the deli and found button mushrooms on sale! I'm SO going to make marinated mushrooms tomorrow.
We get to my Inlaws' house before they get home, so Thomas' mom tells him to start dinner while they're on their way to the house.. which is a big pot of chili. Don't get me wrong.. I love chili.. I just wasn't in the mood for it. I was glad I had my big ol' salad to crunch on while everyone else was going to chow down on chili.

After dinner everyone sat down in front of the TV while Thomas' step dad popped in a QueensRyke band DVD. It was alright, I guess.. but the guy's voice was incredible.

After that everyone just sat around and talked for a while.

Thomas' mom had invited us over for dinner, so we headed off, stopping at United on the way to pick up some cornbread. I ended up making a salad for myself at the salad bar in the deli and found button mushrooms on sale! I'm SO going to make marinated mushrooms tomorrow.

We get to my Inlaws' house before they get home, so Thomas' mom tells him to start dinner while they're on their way to the house.. which is a big pot of chili. Don't get me wrong.. I love chili.. I just wasn't in the mood for it. I was glad I had my big ol' salad to crunch on while everyone else was going to chow down on chili.
Vincent waiting on the couch for his Aña and Hip Daddy (Thomas' parents) and his Tia and Tio (Aunt and Uncle in spanish ((Sarah and Jeremy, two of Thomas' siblings))) to get home.



Someone's abandoned, half eaten bowl of chili. Just reiterated the unappetizing effect.

After dinner everyone sat down in front of the TV while Thomas' step dad popped in a QueensRyke band DVD. It was alright, I guess.. but the guy's voice was incredible.

After that everyone just sat around and talked for a while.
Hercules, Thomas' mom's half Yorkshire Terrier/half Chihuahua was vying for attention. I call him 'rat dog' because I'm not very fond of him.
Thomas teasing him with a ball.
Vincent sleeping on his Tio's belly.

It was getting late, so it was time to gather our stuff, say goodbye, and head on home.

After being home for a bit and settling down for the night, Vincent falls asleep before anyone else.

Thomas then remembers he needed to get a few things so he ran to Wal-mart real quick (The only place that's not too far away and still open..). When he came back he surprised me with these..
They're lovely! And he got me a bunch with small buds so I can watch them bloom. He's the best thing since sliced bread, I swear. I love that man..
I am sooooo tired now. I didn't even realize how late it was. I'm going to hunker off to bed.
That.. my friends.. concludes a Day In the Life of Jenny Macias.

After being home for a bit and settling down for the night, Vincent falls asleep before anyone else.

Thomas then remembers he needed to get a few things so he ran to Wal-mart real quick (The only place that's not too far away and still open..). When he came back he surprised me with these..

I am sooooo tired now. I didn't even realize how late it was. I'm going to hunker off to bed.
That.. my friends.. concludes a Day In the Life of Jenny Macias.
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