A GE A730 7.0 megapixel camera
A 3" thick memory foam mattress pad
Stationary my sister designed
VERY soft seafoam green pajama pants (you can see those in my last post)
A pair of cute fuzzy frog earrings
A onesie for Vincent that has a tattoo-like design on the front with two sparrows holding a ribbon that says 'Mommy'
A baby photo album
A few baby teething toys and the like for Vincent
Two pepperoni sticks shipped in from my uncle in New York (REAL pepperoni.. this stuff is awesome and can only be found in the depths of the New York state.. mmmm)
A (veeerrrryyy nice) crock pot
A (veeerrrryyy nice) blender
A 'Kitchen Assistant' that I can use to puree baby food and the like right into the containers it will be held in
Lots of cool crazy colored and/or patterned socks that either go up to the shin or knee
Sour candy
Black and silver plaid pajama pants with a black matching shirt
A maternity shirt that has a baby adorned with a construction hat holding up a sign reading 'Baby Vincent Under Construction' (Cuuute!)
Pink striped toe socks with frogs printed on them
A little back massager that has four little stubby 'legs' that light up bright green when turned on
I think that is the most I have ever gotten on any Christmas. It was a wonderful feeling. It was an even better feeling to see all my family open the gifts Thomas and I had gotten for them, since we had that extra money come in to bless people with. I especially loved watching Thomas' face light up when he opened all his gifts from me. I spoil that man rotten any chance I get. ^_^
It was a dark, snowy, foggy day yesterday. I had to show a picture because those days to me are one of the most beautiful.

Early yesterday morning my grandparents, uncle, and four cousins decided to surprise me with a visit. I didn't think they were going to get here until last night. Surprise! The last time I saw them was at the end of this past May at my wedding. That was too short lived as I only saw them for a rushed half of the day before going through the ceremony. Before that I hadn't gotten to see them for five years. To have them to myself all yesterday and today unrushed was such a treat. I miss them so much. It was the first they had seen my big baby bump, and lovingly and jokingly made several comments on how 'fat' I am. (They always talked about how 'skin and bones' I always was, so now they couldn't resist commenting on the fact that I finally have a belly.)
They had brought up a bunch of baby furniture, toys, movies, hand-me-downs from when -I- was a baby, blankets, and baby gear as gifts. What a blessing all those were! Took a bit of rearranging the apartment (it's hard to fit in baby furniture and make it look good and not cramped in a one bedroom apartment) but we got it all together and looking pretty nice. We will only have to endure this cramped space for the first month of Vincent's life before the lease expires and we can move on to a two bedroom rent house somewhere.

It was so sad to see them go. I knew they couldn't but I tried my hardest to convince them to stay another night.
Well.. there's still much to be put back in new places since the rearrangement. I better get on it. Thomas is at work so there will be no distractions. Well, the cats will distract me as they always do but oh well. I don't mind distractions that much when it comes to being distracted from house work. ^_~

How can you not be distracted by these cuties? (top is Ramona, bottom is Abby)
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