We have 'Christmas' with Thomas' parents and family the 27th, because that'll be his next day off. Because of his night shifts he'll come home at 7am, pick me up, and we'll go to his mom's to celebrate before he retires for sleep the rest of the day.
Even though today's officially Christmas ..it doesn't feel like it to me. I know I'm getting two official Christmas Days in return around the actual holiday, but it's still a little depressing. I know most everyone else is done with opening their gifts and are now eating Christmas lunch/dinner with family and friends and playing with gifts.. while I sit here on the computer updating this while I listen to Thomas' steady breathing while he's in deep sleep. Maybe it's selfish of me.. but I wish we could have had Christmas on the actual day it falls on with everyone else. I know it's just a 'day' that the nation chose to celebrate Christmas on.. but.. bah.. I'm just rambling. I look forward to our second Christmas come the day after tomorrow.
At least we had two presents to open when Thomas came home from work this morning. My Aunt had given us two gifts while we were visiting my parents' and told us to not open them until Christmas day, whether we were celebrating that day or not. So it was nice to at least have things to open. She got us a basket of cleaning goodies (I'm in my nesting mode right now so that is just an awesome gift all around) and a box full of cookware and the like. Now we finally have matching cookware that isn't falling apart! =D I'll have to call her when Thomas wakes up to thank her.
Oh man.. speaking of which, I'll have to call other family members I haven't seen to wish them a Merry Christmas. I figure everyone's done or almost done with the main festivities so I won't be interrupting anyone.
Thomas got me a wonderful digital camera for Christmas. It was totally by surprise. Our old digital had bit the dust, and I was so upset because that thing was my baby. Vincent's due in two months and my camera breaks.. wonderful timing. Thomas kept playing it off like we didn't have enough funds to get me another camera for a while. I open the gift and there's a very sleek camera staring back at me through the wrappings. I was so excited! Thomas is such a fibber.. hehe.. he knows I love it when he completely catches me off guard. I'm so used to my other camera.. this one's so foreign to me. I stayed up late last night messing around with the different options and digging through the manual. I think I pretty much have it down. The camera's only downfall is that the sound quality is horrid on the movies it takes, but that's just a small thing compared to the awesomeness of the camera as a whole. I shall have fun with this little sucker. =3

So now, I shall post two update pics I've taken of my baby bump with the new camera. Now, I'm lazy today and didn't feel like getting dressed or looking nice, so the pictures are of me in my pajamas with mussed hair, so if you go blind don't say I didn't warn you. Both of these I took earlier this morning. At this point I'm a day shy of 32 weeks. Getting ever closer to that due date!

So, for those of you who get to celebrate on the -right- day, have a blessed Christmas Day and I hope it's very special and filled with family, friends, and great food. =)
Figured out how to get the pictures to stay where I want them to, yay!
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