Sunday, July 11, 2010

.The Controversial Survey.

Stolen, from.. someone over on FA. Don't remember who.

[01] Do you have the guts to answer these questions and re-post as The Controversial Survey?
Well, I'm doing it, aren't I?

[02] Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Anyone that answers yes to this question is an idiot.

[03] Abortion: for or against it?
Against it at all stages. It's not that baby's fault you don't want him/her.

[04] Do you think a country would fail with a female president?
Nah. The current president is doing quite a good job of that as it is and he's male.

[05] Do you believe in the death penalty?

[06] Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Legalizing it wouldn't help anything. If anything, it'll hurt society as a whole. Then again, I wish they would make cigarettes illegal as well. I mean, suuure, let's sell a product that gets people hardcore addicted, willing to give their last dollar for, and it'll kill them in the end. We'll call them cigarettes! I mean, it'll be totally legal too! It'll be great!

[07] Are you for or against premarital sex?
I'm against it, just because so many people try to play house and play 'married couple' and end up getting pregnant when not wanted or breaking up and end up having sex with other multiple partners and are more prone to get STD's. Sex is a beautiful thing that should be shared between a woman and a man who've made the legal commitment to be together for life.

[08] Do you believe in God?
Yes I do. ::edited to add:: I figured I should reiterate that I don't do religion. Religion is nothing but a bunch of traditions that people practice out of habit. That's why I attend a non denominational church. I practice a relationship with God, not religion.

[09] Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
No, I don't. Holy matrimony was created by God to be between a man and a woman in His sight. The union was not created by the state or nation, it was created by God. But hey, if lived in a state where it was legal, I may not agree with it, but I'm not going to shove any of my opinions down your throat. We'd probably hang out and play video games or something.

[10] Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are illegally moving to the USA?
Um. Yes. Very much so. Key word here .. ILLEGAL.

[11] A twelve year old girl has a baby, should she keep it?
No. Give that baby a good home. Children aren't mature enough to be good parents. And 12 years of age is DEFINITELY not an age to be having sex in the first place.

[12] Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
No. Alcohol is more dangerous than most drugs out there today. I've seen it tear families apart.

[13] Should the war in Iraq be called off?
We aren't finished over there yet.

[14] Assisted suicide is illegal: do you agree?
Yes, it should stay illegal too. You're assisting someone to kill themselves. Next question.

[15] Do you believe in spanking your children?
Yes. And there is a difference between spanking and beating.

[16] Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
My finances aren't great and I still honestly wouldn't if I were seriously offered that.

[17] Who do you think would have made a better president? McCain or Obama?
McCain. Even then I had several qualms with his way of wanting to run things, especially on the immigration issue, though, but less than the qualms I had with Obama. McCain was the lesser evil, we'll put it that way.

[18] Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Everyone judges, even subconsciously. If I get flamed for my opinions, that's the flamer's problem, not mine.

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