Saturday, January 30, 2010

Haven't updated in a while, so here's a meme! Stolen from Merystic over on Live Journal.

Holy cow, her and I are a lot alike. <3

Three things you wanna do before you die:
1. Have a part in the making of some huge box office movie.
2. Meet Green Day (wanted this since back in 2000)
3. Learn how to play guitar really well

Three things you're afraid of:
1. Loud flushing toilets (especially the self flushing ones)
2. Roaches
3. Twisted sticks and shrubbery underwater. It royally creeps me out like no one's business.

Three essential things you do every day:
1. Brush teeth
2. Eat
3. Drink

Three things you're wearing right now:
1. An old shirt I got back in 10th grade
2. My cousin's pajama pants (lol, don't ask)
3. Underwear? LOL wtf.

Three of your favorite bands :
1. Green Day
2. Rammstein
3. Angels and Airwaves

Three songs that describe your life at the moment:
1. A Day Late by Anberlin
2. Waiting by Green Day
3. Redundant by Green Day

Three things you want in a relationship:
1. Honesty
2. Security
3. Understanding

Two true things and one lie (not necessary in that
1. I'm cluttered
2. I have a temper
3. I love Mexican food

Three physical things you like in the opposite
1. Hair
2. Hands (I'm weird, shut up)
3. I like meat on the bones

Three of your favorite hobbies:
1. Drawing
2. Cooking
3. Garage Sale/Thrift Shop shopping

Three things you desperately want to do right now
1. Finish some artwork
2. Meet Green Day
3. Go shopping

Three careers you're considering or you're doing:
1. Character Designer
2. Paleontologist

3. Photographer

Three names for your children:
1. Vincent (haha, got one down!)
2. Scout
3. Lucian

Three things that make you stereotypically a boy:
1. I like video games
2. I like fishing
3. I like muscle cars

Three things that make you stereotypically a girl:
1. I like to dress up and look nice and wear jewelry and smell nice
2. I like to scrapbook
3. I like to crochet

Three things that are on your desk:
1. Vash the Stampede figurine
2. Resident Evil Anti Virus Bottle
3. A photobooth picture strip of Thomas and I back in '06

Three things about yourself you want to change:
1. Some small things about my looks
2. Become a master of the things that interest me
3. Not be so selfish

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