Gosh I love the taste of that stuff. Once you go raw milk you can never go back to that chemically enhanced pasteurized crap. XD Plus it's better for you than the stuff you find at the store anyway.
Vincent's put to bed, and now I really need to catch up on the last two commissions I have. I think I bit off more than I can chew, commissions wise. I was keeping up with them just fine, but I gave my artistic juices a run for their money. Oy. I have so many ideas I want to draw out but I refuse to work on them until I'm done with everyone else's stuff. It's kind of draining to work on stuff for everyone else while your own ideas get put on the back burner. x_x Still, the money is way nice. After these last two I'm taking a small break and working on my own stuff. Got some pretty sweet character ideas and stuff that're seriously needing to get cranked out hardcore.
We're starting to house hunt, I'm so excited! *happy fists* If we grab up a house before December 1st we get that nifty First Home Buyer's $8,000 tax credit added onto the coming 2010 tax return. That would be very nice. Very nice, indeed. It's looking like we'll be starting out small, but with that credit on top of the already fat tax return we're be getting we can make the house's value much greater and sell it and grab up something nicer a few years down the road. Yum! Plus, getting a house means I'm getting more animal additions to the family. Like a dog, a guinea pig, a third cat, and maybe even a few chickens. I cannot wait. My
Wow, this post is really going nowhere. Hurray for random brain ramblings. X3
I just got finished reading the second book in the Twilight Saga, New Moon, again. Just refreshing my memory for when the movie version comes out in a month and a half. It looks like they did a way better job on this one than they did the first one, which makes me happy because though I liked the first movie, the graphics weren't that great plus they strayed too far away from the first book's storyline in my opinion.
Oh yeah, and as you guys can see (the ones who know about it), we didn't win the Pepsi/Rockband competition. No chip off my shoulder. The guys who won did a great job, and we can't wait to try again next year. Thomas is already ten times better than he was the few months ago when he edited the video we entered, which means he'll be a million times better once competition time rolls around again.
The air is getting cooler. The days are getting shorter. Ah.. Fall, hurry and get here! I'm waiting for you with open arms!
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