August 23rd, 2009 - Sunday
This happened after midnight, so technically this is apart of this episode of DITL. I don't kill spiders because they eat the real pests, but my cat Abby does, and I found this guy after Abby's wrath. Poor guy. He was a huge Wolf Spider. Just a picture showing how big he was.
Alright. Morning time. Meant to get up at 7:00 am but it didn't happen, as usual.
Morning, Abby!
Looking in the medicine cabinet for getting ready stuffs.
Crazy shower hair.
Thomas uses more hair products than I do getting ready.
Hi, there, I'm ready for Sunday church!
After getting ready, I grab some bread to make some buttered toast for Vincent before he wakes.
Thomas waking Vincent. He always has a huge grin on his face first thing in the morning! <3
Getting Vincent ready for church!
Arrived at Victory (our church). Here's my work desk! I run timer for first service every Sunday morning. I'm in charge of making sure the monitors work on the stage and that everyone is staying on schedule, and letting the coordinator know if we're ahead, behind, or on time.
After monitors are checked and everything is set up, I watch the worship team practice before service.
Less than two minutes before service! Lights are dimmed and this is what I see out the darkened window in front of my work area.
Some time during service when there's a good thirty or so minute window where I don't have to do anything, I start drawing. Here's a gryphon!
First service is over, and there's a little time in between that and the second service, so I follow Thomas into the main offices where Dale, one of the lead guitarists for our worship team, teaches Thomas a few tricks on better maintenance w/ his guitar.
After that Lacy (she's also employed at the church like Thomas) comes into the office and Thomas helps her out w/ an online puzzle she's been working on.
Time for second service! I actually get to be out in the sanctuary for this one. I love the praise and worship part. Total head-banger worthy!
After service, we pick Vincent up from the kids' department and he's ready to head out and get some grub!
Ugh, totally unhealthy lunch here. Taco Bell. Blarg.
Vincent then goes down for a nap, and we commence to giving the apartment a deep clean, which was seriously needed. I totally forgot to take pictures of this, but w/ breaks off and on it took a few hours. The pictures would have been boring anyway. During cleaning Vincent woke up and we ate a quick dinner, and forgot to take pictures of it as well. Haha..
Vincent gets a warm bubble bath before going to bed for the night. G'night, Vincent!
(the flash on my phone camera sucks.)
After Vincent was asleep, I took a break from cleaning and watched Family Guy and American Dad.
Time to jump into my pj's!
Brushing them teefis.
O HAI AGAIN RAMONA! She's very interested in the art of brushing teeth. Or maybe she's just sitting there.
Woo. I'm exhausted. Time for sleep. It's way too late.
... or so I thought.
Thomas was still doing laundry, and plopped a pile on the bed. So yay, have to hang up and put away laundry before sleep can envelope my conscience.
Okay, NOW I can go to sleep.
And that concludes a normal Sunday in the life of Jenny Macias. =D
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