Now, I know we really can't afford to be picky. Not even a little bit. But we've been blessed by so many other people giving/chipping in for us to get everything according to his Rainforest theme that this bouncer I had my eyes on was just too much to pass up. So Thomas was able to talk them down to $55. Only ten dollars but at least it's something. We purchased it but had to pick it up the next day since we had groceries waiting in the car while we looked for the bouncer, and we also remembered that Thomas needed to be up at the church to run cameras and he was late. So I rushed him up to the church, and then rushed back home to get the groceries unloaded.
The next day (Sunday) we went to church, and attended the picnic that was held after service. It was pretty awesome. The tent was huge, the games were fun, the food was good, and the attendance was enormous. Thomas and I sat down at a table with Grandmother and Grandad (Thomas' grandparents) and ate barbecue with them, and later on Thomas' parents joined in. After a while of conversation Thomas and I headed over to Once Upon A Child to pick up the bouncer and brought it over to Thomas' parents house while waiting for them to get there.
The people at O.U.A.C. said that they had cleaned the bouncer, but after taking it apart to try and rub the few stains off, we found out that there was all kinds of crumbs and gunk underneath the fixtures to the sides of the bouncer that Vincent is supposed to play with. It was disgusting. Number one, if you haven't cleaned the thing, just tell us so we know. Second, who in their right mind gives a baby something to eat while in a bouncer? Isn't that kind of hard to eat while in constant bouncing motion? The way this bouncer is built you couldn't stay still if you tried. *sigh* So after 30 minutes of scrubbing that sucker clean and sanitizing it, we stuck Vincent in and he had a ball. For a little bit. He doesn't stay as occupied as long in this one because I think his legs get tired. The other he tried at Jonathan and Penny's you just sit in it and just moves back and forth and is on a sturdy platform. The Rainforest one is held up by three bungee chord type things, so you're constantly having to work your legs to keep it steady. He still loves it and it matches everything else he has.
After staying over pretty much the rest of the day/evening we call it a night and head home. For some reason Vincent didn't want to go to sleep. When he did, he woke up every two hours. Some nights he just randomly decides to not stay asleep. Needless to say, Thomas and I were very tired this morning.
Poor Vincent. He's teething so bad. His drool is on overflow and his gums hurt very bad, making him ever so cranky. Poor guy. I'd give him some teething biscuits but he still hasn't quite gotten the motor skills down just yet. We're still trying to get him to handle his teething ring properly to get it to his mouth without smacking himself in the face with it or missing it altogether. He'll get there. =)
Tonight, in an effort to grab a little extra money, Thomas and I are going to go help out our friend Jonathan clean up one of his rent houses. Vincent will spend the evening with his Aña.
My camera is still over at Sheila's house. We didn't get to Couples' Connection this past Friday so I'll have to wait until this Friday to get it. A cell phone picture from Thomas' phone will have to do for now. Vincent is five months old today. Where has my little newborn gone?

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