Vincent is awake and in my arms right now. I wish he would go to sleep since it's 4:11 am at this moment. He's sick with conjunctivitis. First sickness. It sucks. I feel so bad for the little guy. Even worse.. it's extremely contagious. Thomas and I will have to sterilize everything once the infection is gone. (We were prescribed eye drops for him. One drop in each eye three times a day for a week.) We're constantly having to wash our hands after touching Vincent (not helping my dry, cracked skin).
Good.. Vincent is starting to fall asleep.
Well, we really didn't have the money to spare to do it, but we went out yesterday evening and hunted for a new outfit or two so I can have clothes to wear again. After pregnancy, I'm now back down to my original weight I was before pregnancy. (Okay.. save three or four pounds.) Still. Even though I'm back down to my normal weight.. I came out one cup size bigger in the chest area and my pelvis bones have widened. I wear hip hugger jeans.. and none of my pants button anymore because of the wider bone structure. Sucks. But at least I have my belly band, but even then, I only have three pairs I can wear.. and two of those three have holes all in the legs. NONE of my shirts fit anymore. My freaking chest is so big that I can't button anything and the shirts that don't button are pulled so tight across the chest I feel I'm going to rip through while sneezing.
So off to Ross we went, looking for just a few items so I wouldn't have to keep wearing the three same baggy shirts over and over. I ended up with.. wait.. five? Four? I don't remember. The bag is sitting on my ugly green chair in the corner. Vincent is sleeping now on my lap so I'm not going to move in hopes of him getting into a deep slumber. Anyway.. the shirts are cute. Love them. Pants.. ugh.. Ross had ONE pair I liked.. and they didn't fit.. and didn't have a size bigger. *sigh* So we went to the mall to scour JC Penney's for pants. We had only 45 minutes so I ran around. I had to try on several sizes of the same pair of jeans because I had NO clue what my new size was. I found out I'm completely different sizes in different brands. I ended up being sizes ranging from a five to a nine. NONE OF THE PANTS FIT. WTF. They fit fine in the legs and in the butt.. but the waist was too baggy! Any size smaller and I wouldn't be able to get it over my hips.
I remember how much I hate looking for jeans that fit me right. I've ALWAYS been a weird size. Always. I was surprised I found shirts so easily. Usually with my big chest size and very small waist size shirts are impossible. Everyone assumes that if you have a huge chest.. you're fat.. and if you're skinny.. you have A cups. Give me a break. (Same with pregnancy jeans.. if you're pregnant you automatically gain three hundred pounds or something. It took me FOREVER to find ONE pair that fit.. and even then they were still huge on me..)
So now.. I have shirts. Yay. I don't have pants.. boo. Oh well.. I can just sport my belly band a while longer until I can find a decent pair somewhere.
Thomas goes back to working nights again in a few days. I really dread it. I pretty much won't see him for the next four weeks. Even on his days off during his night shift stretch I don't see him because he has to keep his schedule going.. so he sleeps during the day and has to be up and about at night. The ONLY useful thing with that is that he can take care of Vincent while I grab some uninterrupted sleep. Nice. But I miss him. I'm going to miss him horribly. Night shift month he usually works tons of overtime since I don't see him anyway. The money will be nice.
Well.. This post is HORRIBLY long as it is.. I'll end it here. Vincent is sleeping enough now to where I think he'll be good for the next few hours. Good. I'm SO tired..
'Night. Kudos to anyone who makes it this far.
Vincent is getting so big. I love him so much..
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