It was a very merry Christmas for us this year. We made out like bandits, I tell you what.
We were blessed with a brand new pre-lit Christmas tree, and even got ornaments to go with it when we thought we weren’t going to get one this year. Thank you Pastor Don and Lavon!!! <3 We did our house all up with lights and Christmas decorations. It was so pretty.
It was my mother in law’s turn to have us for Christmas this year since we have to take turns spending holidays with my parents and Thomas’ parents. It was also Vincent’s first Christmas. It was so freaking fun. We had stockings with bunches of goodies inside for us to munch on. Then everyone took turns opening presents.
For some reason Vincent was more interested in everyone elses’ gifts and opening them and couldn’t care less when it came to him opening his own presents and playing with them. Haha.. oh well. He made out like a bandit like the rest of us.
Vincent excited about Christmas morning as we get ready to go to Aña and Hip Daddy's house.
Vincent didn't waste any time getting after the presents.
My present list includes:
A casserole dish.
Bunches of cool socks and toe socks.
Scrapbooking accessories and stamps.
Graphing pens.
Chocolate covered cherries.
A bunch of money for a wardrobe update. (I seriously needed it.)
A sterling silver ring holder in the shape of a cat. You keep your rings on its tail.
A homemade candle that smells awesome.
Fifty dollars in a trick box that you have to figure out how to open to get to the money. (That was for both Thomas and I.)
A cute recipe box with Grandmother’s recipes inside and a package of index cards to add my own recipes.
An ornament with a girl cat kissing the boy cat and says “Purrrrfect Together.” It has two hearts on top that have our names in them, and a heart near the bottom with ‘2008’.
Two wall shelves that Thomas' Uncle Jeremy hand made. They're so gorgeous! (Those were for both Thomas and I.)
And best of all, three new additions to the family!
I got a bowl and a gorgeous holder that looks like a cat looking down into the bowl for a Betta! I picked out a beautiful Crown-Tailed Betta and named him Yoshimitsu. My other Bettas died of old age a while ago, so it was about time to get another. Never had a Crown Tail before. They’re so pretty!
I also got a gorgeous cage with all the accessories for some Finches! I picked out two Zebra Finches and named them J.D. and Turk (From Scrubs.. I love that show). They sing wonderful songs. My cats are definitely interested in them. I have to keep a close eye on them until we’re able to hang the cage up. J.D. is the one on your left and Turk on your right.
So now my list of animals has increased. Two cats, Two birds, and a fish. As soon as we buy a house I’m going to add a dog and a guinea pig to the list. We’re going to have a zoo. XD
Thomas’ present list includes:
A haircut/style from Wade Gordon Salon.
A new outfit.
Chocolate covered cherries.
A big box of homemade cookies from Grandmother.
A fifteen dollar iTunes gift card.
And best of all, an iPod Touch. We should have made him open that one last, because as soon as he got his hands on that thing he disappeared to play with it.
I’ve already done most of my updating from his iPod. It’s so awesome. Even though he didn’t get very much, he said it was the best Christmas ever and that his iPod is equal to a thousand presents, lol.
Vincent banked it with lots of goodies in his stocking like veggie crackers and fruit snacks. He got one Yorkshire Peppermint Patty, but he didn’t like that too much. He also got lots of stuffed animals, toys, bath toys, and a little plate/silverware/cup set with farm animals on it. He also got an ornament that says “Baby’s First Christmas” with a little boy dressed in blue sleeping on a half moon. It also has Vincent, 2008 written on it.
This year was definitely a good one.
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