Tuesday, July 22, 2008

.The Dark Knight.

So I went to see The Dark Knight yesterday with Thomas and Kris. (Kris treated us) It was one of THE most best movies evar. Heath did a perfect job with the role. I love Heath's sick and twisted version so much better than Jack Nicolson's evil prankster version. Oh. My. Gosh. It was just awesome all around.

Upset, again, that Scarecrow got the short end of the stick. He had five minutes in the movie, tops, and was a total dweeb. Blarg! Oh well. The Joker more than made up for it.

OMG Heath why did you have to die? If they add the joker in the next movie it just won't be the same since it won't be Heath. Ugh.

Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates, those few of you who read my entries. I've been trying to spend more time with Vincent and other things instead of wasting away in front of the computer like I have been. I think I've been doing a pretty good job so far. I just have to balance things out. That's a problem with me, I have a hard time finding a happy medium in things. I'm either all gung ho or none at all. I'll level it out at some point.

Thomas' brother is back for ten days from the Marines. That's cool. He's still the same old Jonathan, only now with a bigger ego, lol. Silly Jonathan.

Let's see, really nothing else to report. I've still been drawing a lot, which is good. I wish some people would take up some slots in my commissions offer. I'm trying to not get discouraged, lol. I need money! Buy a slot!

Anyway, I'll end it here. Thank you Kris for taking us to the movies. It was loads of fun.

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