It's that time again. This was done a few days ago, but some big issues came up, so it's kinda late, but at least I'm getting it up now. =)
A Day In the Life of Jenny Macias.
Friday, June 6th, 2008
I woke up to find out I'd overslept. I usually get up and make Thomas his lunch before he heads off to work at 8:45 am. Dang it. Oh well, I got up and wandered into the kitchen.

Good thing Thomas finished getting ready early, because he was in the kitchen packing the rest of his lunch for the day.

I saw Thomas off to work, and I started opening up the blinds so it's not so dreary and dark inside the house. I got ready to brush my teeth when Vincent announced he's awake over the baby monitor in the bedroom. Brushing my teeth would have to wait. Vincent is so squirmy now. He was completely facing the other direction at the opposite end of his crib when he went to sleep last night.

After changing Vincent's diaper and getting him all set up with his bottle, I hit the ITNO message boards to see what's up with my friends. =D Hi guys! I stayed on there for a bit. *coughmorelikeanhourcough*

I finally pried myself away from the computer and realized the house is a disaster area. So I started my chores for the day. Hmm.. it's Friday. I was supposed to just dust and tidy, but I didn't do the dishes for Thursday so I had to do them the next day. Teaches me to procrastinate on cleaning. Bah.

Vincent watched his Mama clean from the living room floor.

Since Vincent seemed to be content still when I took a break from cleaning up, I decided to sit down and finally have some breakfast! Orange juice, cheese, and vanilla yogurt. Nummy!

While I ate Vincent started to get board just being propped up with a couch pillow, so I pulled out his floor gym and let him squirm around on it while I finished my breakfast. I then continued to tidy up after I was done.

Vincent's travel bag was on the floor, and when I went to put it in the closet, Abby poked her head out right as I grabbed the bag. She finds the weirdest places to sleep. I shooed Abby out and commenced to putting the bag away along with everything else. Chores were done.

I went to sit down for a break, but right then Vincent started to get bored with his floor gym. I tried to calm him down, but he wouldn't have it. The gym was no longer fun and interesting and lets me know very clearly.

So I was stuck walking around with him for the next hour and a half. That boy is getting heavy. Every time I thought he'd be fine with me putting him down, he starts to wail, so back into my arms he went. He finally got tuckered out and went for a nap in his crib. Yay! My arms were free, and with him sleeping this means I could get ready without interruption. I grabbed the baby monitor and put it in the bathroom and took a long, hot shower. Abby accompanied me by keeping watch over the sink.

After getting my hair done and dressed, on went the makeup!

A few minutes later, Thomas walked in the door during his lunch break with my MIL. I thought Thomas was having lunch at work, but she found a bed frame for us at a garage sale, so she wanted to come with Thomas to set it up during his lunch break. She also found some baby clothes, but she didn't remember what size Vincent was. Only one thing fit, but it's alright. Abby had to come and sniff the clothes, and then lay on them much to my MIL's dismay. She just doesn't understand that my cats have to inspect things that come from the outside before they are considered safe for their human family, that's all. My MIL played with Vincent when he woke up from his nap. Good, my arms were still tired. He was being terribly fussy that day.

Thomas ate his lunch he made earlier.

While Deborah was holding Vincent, I snuck in a lunch for myself too. A turkey sandwich with mayonnaise, red wine vinegar, steak seasoning, and whole wheat bread. I LOVE red wine vinegar on my sandwiches. =D

After everyone had left, I was going to call Kris to tell him I was going to be on my way over to see the Futurama movie we had talked about the day before. I then waited on calling, because Vincent was having a bad day. He was horribly grumpy and refused to be put down. Even then, he would still whine in my arms, and sometimes start kicking. He's too young to understand disciplining yet at four and a half months old, so I had to just sit there and let him kick and scream. After an hour, I realized Vincent wasn't going to make the visit to Kris' house any fun, so I called him up and told him we'd have to watch the movie another day. He understood. After another hour or so, Vincent exhausted himself out from pitching constant fits, and went down for a nap. My arms were free and my sanity had a chance to recharge. Time for some more surfing of the ITNO message boards, kinda bummed that my plans were postponed. Soon after talking on the boards I felt better, though.

A while later Thomas came home from work. Vincent was still asleep for his nap, so we let him sleep for a while longer while Thomas and I drew for a bit.

I told Thomas about the ruined plans of hanging out with Kris, so Thomas called him up and asked if he wanted to hang over at our place. He said sure, so we went to go pick him up. I forgot the camera. We came back home, and realized we didn't have many things in the fridge. We really needed to go shopping, but that was going to be saved for Saturday, Thomas' day off. So we decided that Papa Murphy's Pizza was the way to go. We drive over there and order our pizza. That place is awesome. It's like the Subway Restaurant of the pizza world. You say what you want as you go down the line, and they just keep putting toppings on. They then wrap it up for you so you can take it home and bake it. We got a stuffed family sized pizza with tons of cheese, pepperoni, salami, grilled chicken, Italian sausage and breakfast bacon. I had my camera with me but for some reason I forgot to take pictures.
We brought it home, cooked it, and dug in after it was done, cut and cooled.

After our bellies were full, we pulled out the controllers and started playing video games on the 360. Vincent started to get sleepy, so Thomas made a bottle, fed him, and put him to sleep in his crib.

After Vincent went down for the night, it was time for a good game of Uno! One of my favorites!

Ramona didn't feel like playing, it seems.

After a good, mean game, it was time for Thomas to take Kris home. I got ready for bed and closed up the blinds for the night. Thomas came home a bit later and we both called it a night.
That concludes this Day in the Life. =)
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