My little guy's due date was February 20th, but he decided that was too long of a wait, so he came January 30th instead. The story unfolds..
January 29th, late evening, I was laying in bed watching some infomercial because I couldn't sleep. Thomas was hanging out with a friend so I was by myself. Around 12:30 am January 30th, I felt a weird 'pop' in my belly. I thought it was a weird gas bubble that just settled, so I didn't think much of it. Then I thought I wet myself a little ((happened a lot throughout the pregnancy.. blar..)) so I was mad and got up to use the bathroom. For some reason.. I didn't have to go, so I got up, and then I leaked again.. so I sat back down. I was so confused. I ended up staying on the toilet for about 15 minutes. Then it dawned on me.. it could be my water.. I called my mom and woke her up. She said she never had her water break so she wasn't sure what I was experiencing so I called my Dr.'s office. They patched me through to him and he told me to head to the hospital right away.
I then called Thomas and told him 'Thomas, I need to get to the hospital. .. I think my water broke.' He freaked and got home. I wasn't supposed to be due yet! I was nervous for Vincent and myself..
The real kicker here is that the next day we were supposed to register at the hospital, interview pediatricians, and get a cool bag to pack all the stuff for the hospital in. Nope. Vincent begged to differ.. so I we rushed around like mad to grab papers and get clothing to change in and the whole kaboodle. We ended up throwing everything into a Walmart plastic bag and rushed to the hospital. I went in and told the lady behind the counter that I thought my water had broken but wasn't sure. A guy in scrubs behind her was like 'Get her back here NOW!' so they got me onto a gurney and wheeled me to a room a few floors up.
They checked me and said my membranes have definitely ruptured and I was 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced.
THEN the contractions started to hit. OMG it hurt.. and it only got worse. When they got me into the birthing room I was in so much pain. The IV was worse, though. They were having a hard time getting it in my hand for some reason.. my veins stick out like crazy on my hand.. I don't know what the problem was. Finally when that was settled they gave me a drip to numb the pain a little until the Anesthesiologist could get there with an epidural. While waiting for him my MIL, BIL, and Cousin Inlaw got there to sit in the room with me to keep me company and keep me calm.
Then the medicine set in and I was in LaLa Land. I was so loopy in the head, so when the Anesthesiologist got there I barely remember anything going on. I thought the shot in the back was going to hurt but I was so out of it I kept asking Thomas when he was going to stick me and he kept having to tell me he already did. ^_^;; That's when the awesomeness of the epidural set in.. and I didn't feel a thing.
Trying to doze after the epidural. ((I don't look good at all.. so I'm sorry for the ugliness.. lol.. Labor tends to do that to you.. hehe ))

Time passed.. I was steadily dilating more. I don't remember anything between the epidural and Dr. Ashby getting there. Thomas, my BIL, and their cousin slept on a bench and in chairs while my MIL ... milled about I guess. She said she didn't sleep because she was so excited.
Thomas ((Laying down)) and BIL Jonathan ((In the chair)) asleep, waiting for Vincent to make an appearance.

Finally I was dilated enough to start pushing, and Dr. Ashby had gotten there. My MIL and Thomas worked with me to get me alert enough to push.
Thomas talking to me a few minutes before getting ready to push.

MIL, BIL, and Cousin Inlaw left the room and they started having me push. In the duration Vincent's heart rate started to drop and they realized his cord was around his neck. So they did an emergency episiotomy and used forceps to get him out quicker. I ended up pushing for 22 minutes.. and at 9:20 am, January 30th, a 7 pound, 1 ounce Vincent Gabriel Macias came into the world just as healthy as ever, even though he was almost three weeks early.
Vincent at four minutes old.

Proud parents! I feel horrible for thinking this but Vincent's really ugly in this pic.. his poor head was so banged up from the delivery.

Thomas taking Vincent to the nursery in the hospital. Vincent looks a wee bit better but his face was still so puffy.

Two and a half days later, Vincent dressed up to go home for the very first time!

Now here's some pics of Vincent a week and a day old. He looks so handsome! I don't mean to toot my own horn or anything but Thomas and I did a pretty good job when making such a handsome little guy. His eyes are like freaking vortexes.. so deep. I never knew I could love a little guy so much so quickly. My cats are still coping with the change in their status on the totem pole.. lol... I still love them to death but Vincent comes first now.. not them. They're slowly getting used to it.

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