Slept anywhere from four to six hours straight a night.
All that has gone out the window. He suddenly got his days and nights mixed up. He slept all day and wanted to be paid attention to during the night. So I started trying to keep him awake during the day. I was successful yesterday.. but then he woke up five times last night and stayed awake for an hour or so after each.
I'm so sleep deprived.
Thomas works his twelve hour night shifts so even when he's home he's asleep and needs his sleep so whether I've gotten my sleep or not Vincent needs to be tended to.
I can't wait until Thomas moves to day shifts so we can switch off and on during the day in taking care of Vincent if he keeps us up at night.
Tomorrow (Friday) Thomas' mom offered to keep Vincent during the night and through most of the day Saturday so we can get a break, get some sleep, and have a date night free of a fussy baby. It'll be nice.. I've forgotten what it's like to be alone with Thomas. I'm going to miss Vincent and it'll be weird without him here with us but at the same time I can't wait. I almost feel selfish for feeling that way but we need a break.
On a lighter note.. I've fallen in love with an anime series that's been around for a while but I never noticed it's awesomeness until now. Bleach. Holy cow.. I'm obsessed. So far I've watched seventy episodes in Japanese with English subtitles. It's totally rad. ((I watched two episodes with English dubbing but the voice acting is horrible and the dubbing is worded differently and it's just crappy all around. I hate reading subtitles but it's so much more epic in Japanese.))
I'm probably going to be working on some Bleach fan art soon.
A list of my favorite chars so far in the series.
Kenpachi (The guy.. not Yuchiru the girl.. she's rather annoying in the series.)
Ichigo's Hollow form
Now that I'm finished being a sleep deprived dork.. I'll take my leave.
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